About Shalom University

Let us introduce ourselves

Shalom university was founded as a not for profit foundation in the United States of America. It is registered with the secretary of state,division of corporation in the great state of Delaware with file number 6741194.

The founders of shalom university have as objectives to make higher education skills accessible to all in less developed world especially in Africa. We believe that, people in less developed world need professional skills be -accredited or not,to foster development through entrepreneurship.

We believe that the first step to development is to make sure individuals within the community have the necessary educational level and skills to make meaningful decisions that promote development. Based on this believe, shalom university was created not as a diploma mill but with the sole purpose of imparting higher education skills to individuals within the community. There are millions of youths within the African community who are not privileged to acquire such skills through main stream accredited universities because they are generally very expensive and not affordable to these youths. Due to the expensive nature of the accreditation process in mainstream universities, most universities make up the financial expenditure through high tuition and the less privileged in society are therefore left behind creating not only an educational gap within the society but a skill gap. While the privileged ones are employable based on skills acquired through education the less privileged are not employable due to lack of these skills.

Our Mission

To bridge the financial and geographic gap in quality education. Shalom University prepares you for lives of personal and professional distinction and meaningful engagement with the world. We extend this mission by offering graduate and adult programs to women and men. Inspired by our hunger and thirst for growth, we intentionally create an inclusive community that engages students in active and collaborative learning and fosters academic excellence.

Our Vision

Through high-quality professional education and integration into the business world, the labor market, and the global community, Shalom University Institute seeks to combat poverty, advance human growth, and foster a healthy society. Offering top-notch professional or career programs to learners of both traditional age and adulthood allows us to achieve this.

  • Accredited pathway


Shalom University is accredited by the ministry of higher education in Cameroon MINESUP/SG/DDES/ESUP/SDA/ANAP, http://www.minesup.gov.cm/ 

This accreditation allows shalom university to run HND programs, then bachelors programs and master’s degree programs in partnership with state universities within the country. Accreditation was awarded in the following fields of study: MEDICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (nursing medical laboratory sciences and midwifery)

Management (local government management, logistics and transport management, quality managmenent , event management , management of non-governmental organizations, project management, information systems management , assistant manager, human resource management, statistics)  business and finance( accountancy , banking and finance) Tourism and hotel management( tourism and travel agency management , hotel management and catering )

Home economics and social works (bakery and food processing, beauty and cosmetics) education (Education management and administration, vocational guidance and counseling, distance and Continuing education) agriculture and food sciences (crop production technology, animal production technology, food technology, fisheries management, agricultural engineering

Mechanical engineering (Metal construction)


Shalom university school of vocational training known as fidelity advanced professional training center (FAPTRAC) is accredited by the ministry of employment and vocational training in Cameroon accreditation reference number No 1921/MINEFOP/SG/DFOP/SDGSF/SACD OF 15/05/2018, https://www.minefop.cm/fr/   for training in the following fields Computerized accounting ,Banking and finance, Management, Human resource management, Marketing, Building and construction, Advertising, Family and social economics, Home economics, Health care providers, Fashion design.


  • International accredited certification programs

Shalom university is accredited with the AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (ACTD) https://www.actd.us/  for professional certification programs. Professional certification programs graded as follows level 1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8.  It is accredited in the following fields: Nursing, Medical laboratory sciences, Midwifery, dentistry, pharmacy technology, physiotherapy, medical imaging technology. Local government management, Logistics and transport management, Quality management, Event management, NGO management, Project management, Information systems management

Assistant manager, Human resource management, Statistics, Accountancy, Banking and finance

Tourism and travel agency management, Bakery and food processing, Beauty care and cosmetics, Education management and administration, Didactics and curriculum development and teaching, Vocational guidance and counseling, Distance and continuing education, Crop production technology, Animal production technology, Food technology, Fisheries management,

Agricultural engineering, Metal construction, Tourism and travel agency management, Hotel management and catering, Hotel management and catering, Computer engineering, environmental sciences.


  • Non accredited pathways

None accredited pathways encourages self-development, acquisition of new skills to boost prior learning activities. The non-accredited pathway of shalom university follows the same quality assurance standards of the accredited pathways to make sure the right skills are developed. Far from a diploma mill this process of shalom university is aimed at bridging the gap skills within society for the underprivileged.

Non accredited certification programs of shalom university are tuition free to allow those who do not have necessary finances for accredited programs to acquire same skills that can help them become employable or exploit entrepreneurial opportunities within their community.  We believe that the necessary skills are more valuable than the certificates without skills.

Life Beyond Academics

One distinguishing aspect of the Shalom experience is its holistic outlook, which goes beyond academic endeavor to include the wider range of life itself. As students pursue their academic goals, Shalom University imparts lessons that go beyond the classroom, highlighting the application of learned skills to practical situations and the improvement of general well-being. Therefore, the educational journey at Shalom is about more than just earning a degree; it is about giving people the skills and information they need to deal with life’s challenges and contribute meaningfully to society.

Dr. Shei Claude Nfor

Founder & CEO